Molested By The Respected (Paperback)

Molested By The Respected (Paperback)


Molestation of children by adults that they trust is one of society’s darkest secrets—and it’s time to break the silence and help victims to heal. 

Despite widespread denial, we know that children are being sexually abused by people they know, love, and trust. From celebrities to clergy to the neighbor-next-door, predators gain the trust of children in their care, and then leverage their positions of power to steal an innocence that can never be reclaimed. These criminal acts leave children all over the world victimized and emotionally scarred, and struggling to find peace well into adulthood. Some never heal, and many never even tell. 

Molested by the Respected is a deeply insightful guide that explores the history and devastating effects of childhood sexual abuse. Through case studies, research, and personal storytelling, this book forces us to face the truth of every child who has ever been violated. Bravely sharing her own story of abuse publicly for the first time, Dr. LaTasha Nesbitt reveals the pain of hidden molestation, and the necessity of exposing sexual abuse for the atrocity that it is. 

Offering a bible-based approach to understanding and hope, Molested by the Respected is for victims who need to finally begin a personal journey towards healing, the people who love them, and a world that needs to shine a light on what is happening behind closed doors so that not one more child has to live a life shattered by the pain of sexual abuse

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